sheetsj’s avatarsheetsj’s Twitter Archive—№ 4,958

                  1. This story is so crazy 👀 @newsycombinator/1575017658512277510
                1. …in reply to @sheetsj
                  Reminds of the time at a client, where they hired someone on-site who turned out to not be the person who did the phone interview
              1. …in reply to @sheetsj
                This fake contractor would sit by us, hardly speak, get nothing done all day, then show up the next day with tasks complete but didn’t seem to understand the tasks
            1. …in reply to @sheetsj
              I had been on the phone interview, helping interview this person. This was a number of years ago and they didn’t do video interviews at that time.
          1. …in reply to @sheetsj
            The person on the phone was great. Very qualified. Knew deep info about the tech stack. Within minutes/hours meeting the person in-office I knew something was up. They didn’t seem to know much at all about the tech
        1. …in reply to @sheetsj
          The client finally found screen sharing software installed on his machine, and let him go for that. No doubt he was having someone else do the work
      1. …in reply to @sheetsj
        They added a new policy to require a video interview
    1. …in reply to @sheetsj
      A year later, I heard they had someone interview who seemed to pause after each question and wait, then answer but in a way where they were obviously repeating what someone was telling them to say!
  1. …in reply to @sheetsj
    I’m not sure what the lesson is. But if you want candidates who are vetted ahead of time, with years of experience, so you can skip the crazy tech verification interviews, you know where to find us at 😃 Cheers!