sheetsj’s avatarsheetsj’s Twitter Archive—№ 4,844

          1. kind of surprised the @reactjs homepage still shows Class components as the intro to React
        1. …in reply to @sheetsj
          Even the Main Concepts still deal almost exclusively with Class components
      1. …in reply to @sheetsj
        Hooks isn't introduced until after the Main Concepts, Advanced Guides, and API Docs... wild!
    1. …in reply to @sheetsj
      The docs appear written for someone who has watched the React ecosystem evolve over many years, not for someone new to the framework
  1. …in reply to @sheetsj
    which is totally fine if that's what they are going for! it was just quite surprising to me today when i went looking for info on the latest React 18 changes
    1. …in reply to @sheetsj
      Having sat through multiple interviews though (on both sides of the interview), I definitely get the feeling companies are not looking for people with intense React Class component authoring skills
      1. …in reply to @sheetsj
        It's like if the @angular docs waited until after the full to start mentioning 🤔