Wrote an Alexa bot today to tell the kids what's for lunch at school, so I don't have to click through the school calendar app every morning: "Alexa, ask Papio Menu what's for lunch today" "Alexa, ask Papio Menu what is for lunch tomorrow"
Works great in dev testing. Submitted for Amazon approval. Fingers crossed that it works from the kids voices on the real alexa github.com/jeffsheets/alexa-papio-lunch-menu
The Alexa ASK CLI made the deploys to lambda+alexa easy. and there are local text test and browser voice test options, with debug breakpoints too developer.amazon.com/en-US/docs/alexa/smapi/quick-start-alexa-skills-kit-command-line-interface.html
All this has me thinking there’s a serious untapped market for hyper localized Alexa apps
Definitely the slowest part of publishing to @alexa99 is waiting for approval, especially since this skill app was built for elementary age kids... still waiting...
Ah man, of course, they finally got around to certification testing it - the day before spring break. Which meant there's nothing for lunch next week on the calendar, so it "failed". Now I get to handle that side-case and resubmit (hopefully not waiting another month!)
It’s alive! “Alexa, ask Papio Menu what’s for lunch tomorrow”