sheetsj’s avatarsheetsj’s Twitter Archive—№ 3,355

              1. Who knew setting a strict Content Security Policy would be so hard to do when using a library dependent on CSS-in-JS like Material-UI?
            1. …in reply to @sheetsj
              In short, you must set a nonce in a header, and provide it in the served index.html file
          1. …in reply to @sheetsj
            When using AWS S3 + Cloudfront that means using a Lambda@Edge script to set the header
        1. …in reply to @sheetsj
          But injecting a nonce into the rendered html isn’t currently easily possible with Lambda@Edge. You must get hacky
      1. …in reply to @sheetsj
        All of this to get an A rating on
    1. …in reply to @sheetsj
      Nothing really custom in there though — its all pretty generic
  1. …in reply to @sheetsj
    Would be great for web security if @awscloud added this feature enabled by a checkbox config in @cloudfront
    1. …in reply to @sheetsj
      Unless the @QuinnyPig or @jeremy_daly twitterverse knows of an existing easy serverless way?